Riviste di Psicologia

Riviste di psicologia. Un elenco ragionato di riviste internazionali di psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni.

Academy of Management Journal
Pubblica solo ricerche originali ed empiriche sotto forma di articoli o annotazioni di ricerca. Nei suoi articoli, la rivista cerca di pubblicare lavori che sviluppano, testano o fanno progredire la teoria, la ricerca e la pratica nel campo del management.

Academy of Management Review

American Journal of Evaluation

L’American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) pubblica articoli originali sui metodi, la teoria, la pratica e i risultati della valutazione. L’obiettivo generale dell’AJE è quello di presentare i migliori lavori sulla valutazione, al fine di migliorare le conoscenze di base e la pratica dei suoi lettori. Poiché il campo della valutazione è estremamente vario, caratterizzato da diverse tradizioni intellettuali, differenti approcci alla sperimentazione e diversi ambiti di applicazione, i lavori pubblicati su AJE rifletteranno questa diversità. Ciononostante, viene data la preferenza agli articoli che potranno interessare una più ampia gamma di lettori e che sono scritti in modo da essere accessibili alla maggior parte degli interessati.

Applied Ergonomics

Rivista dell’ Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors  e dell’International Ergonomics Association

La rivista si rivolge a tutti coloro che sono interessati all’applicazione dell’ergonomia/fattore umano nella progettazione, pianificazione e gestione di sistemi tecnici e sociali al lavoro o nel tempo libero. Il bacino di lettori è assolutamente internazionale, con abbonati presenti in oltre 50 paesi. La rivista può interessare: gli ergonomisti, i designer, gli ingegneri industriali, i professionisti della salute e della sicurezza, gli ingegneri dei sistemi, gli ingegneri del design, gli psicologi dell’organizzazione, i medici del lavoro e gli specialisti dell’interazione uomo-computer.

Emergence: Complexity & Organization
An International Transdisciplinary Journal of Complex Social Systems

Emergence si occupa di aiutare i manager professionisti e gli accademici ad acquisire, comprendere ed esaminare la possibilità di nuovi stili di pensiero. Pubblica articoli di natura qualitativa che mettono in relazione i sistemi complessi, il sensemaking, la psicologia, la filosofia, la semiotica e le scienze cognitive con la gestione delle organizzazioni sia pubbliche che private.

E’ una rivista internazionale multidisciplinare che si occupa di tutti gli aspetti delle interazioni tra gli esseri umani e il lavoro e il tempo libero. I contenuti della rivista riportano i risultati delle ricerche sugli aspetti psicologici, fisiologici, anatomici e di progettazione ingegneristica dell’uomo al lavoro, con particolare attenzione all’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni. Vengono riportati dati di ricerca provenienti tanto dai paesi industrializzati quanto da quelli in via di sviluppo.

European Journal of Marketing
Una piattaforma per nuove idee marketing.

European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology

A partire dall’anno 2000 la rivista è aperta alla presentazione for free di articoli originali di alta qualità per i professionisti e gli accademici nel campo della psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. EJWOP pubblica numeri tematici su argomenti di importanza primaria per il mondo della psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni.
 Gli articoli pubblicabili sulla rivista possono riguardare lavori empirici, contributi teorici e recensioni. Saranno presi in considerazione anche i contributi metodologici, purché siano rilevanti per il campo della psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. Gli autori devono accompagnare il proprio lavoro chiarendo l’impatto del loro lavoro sul settore professionale e ogni articolo deve includere un paragrafo che illustri chiaramente le implicazioni per il settore.  I professionisti che lavorano nel campo della psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni sono invitati a inviare contributi, sia che si tratti di reazioni o commenti ad articoli già pubblicati, sia che si tratti di notizie e nuovi sviluppi rilevanti di interesse per i colleghi.

International Union of Psychological Science

IUPSYS lavora per promuovere lo sviluppo, la diffusione e il progresso della psicologia come scienza di base e applicata a livello territoriale, nazionale e internazionale. Le principali attività della IUPsyS si concentrano sulla promozione dello sviluppo della scienza e della pratica della psicologia.

Games and Economic Bahavior
Games and Economic Behavior promuove la contaminazione tra le teorie e le applicazioni della teoria dei giochi. La rivista raccoglie costantemente gli articoli di migliore qualità o quelli più creativi negli studi interdisciplinari nell’ambito delle scienze sociali, biologiche e matematiche. La maggior parte dei lettori la riconosce come la rivista leader nel campo della teoria dei giochi.

Gender, Work and Organization
Il genere è un argomento centrale ed essenziale di tutte le ricerche nel campo delle scienze sociali, del lavoro e dell’organizzazione. Gender, Work and Organization è stata la prima rivista a riunire ricerche di vasta portata su questo tema appartenenti a diverse discipline accademiche in un nuovo forum internazionale dedicato al dibattito e all’analisi. La rivista è dedicata all’avanzamento della teoria, della ricerca e delle applicazioni analitiche riguardanti le relazioni di genere sul lavoro, l’organizzazione di genere e il gendering delle organizzazioni, compresi altri aspetti di disuguaglianza rilevanti per il genere. Vengono sollecitati contributi da tutte le prospettive disciplinari, tra cui antropologia, storia, economia del lavoro, diritto, filosofia, politica, psicologia e sociologia. I campi di ricerca disciplinari a cui la rivista attinge includono la teoria delle organizzazioni e del management, gli studi culturali, la teoria del linguaggio, il diritto e la pratica del lavoro, la ricerca femminista o post-femminista, gli studi di genere, la gestione delle risorse umane, le relazioni industriali, i processi lavorativi e gli studi sul luogo di lavoro. La rivista propone ricerche scientifiche e critiche, in uno stile chiaro e semplice, provenienti da una gamma diversificata di campi d’indagine e fornisce una piattaforma per articoli accademici che danno risalto e credibilità alle questioni di genere.

Human Performance
Questa rivista pubblica ricerche che indagano la natura delle prestazioni sul posto di lavoro e in ambienti specializzati e offre una ricca varietà di informazioni che vanno oltre lo studio del comportamento lavorativo tradizionale. Dedicata alla presentazione di ricerche originali, teorie e metodi di misurazione, la rivista studia i fattori di performance individuali e di gruppo che influenzano l’efficacia del lavoro.

Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development International promuove tutti gli aspetti della pratica e della ricerca che indagano i temi dell’apprendimento e delle prestazioni individuali, di gruppo e organizzative.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Official newsletter of the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Il primo numero della rivista ha esordito nel marzo 2008 ed è stato prodotto da Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Ora la rivista è pubblicata da Cambridge University Press. La rivista viene pubblicata trimestralmente a marzo, giugno, settembre e dicembre.

International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics
L’International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics pubblica articoli di ergonomia cognitiva che riguardano l’analisi, la progettazione e il funzionamento delle attività cognitive. La rivista accoglie articoli di sperimentazione originali di laboratorio e sul campo, casi di studio e articoli di approfondimento e revisione su alcune aree dell’ergonomia cognitiva.

Computational Intelligence (originariamente International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Organizations) è una rivista scientifica trimestrale e sottoposta a revisione, incentrata sulle teorie, i metodi e le applicazioni dell’intelligenza computazionale nelle organizzazioni. IJCIO promuove la diffusione della ricerca in questo campo nelle aziende, nei governi e nelle istituzioni educative di tutto il mondo.
 IJCIO pubblica articoli originali e di alta qualità che trattano la progettazione, lo sviluppo, l’implementazione e la messa in pratica delle reti neurali, degli algoritmi genetici, della logica fuzzy, delle tecniche di ragionamento basato sull’incertezza e dei relativi metodi di apprendimento automatico applicati alle organizzazioni.
 Sono incoraggiate le applicazioni di tecniche alternative e i confronti con altri modelli di intelligenza artificiale, statistiche non parametriche e alberi decisionali. L’accento è posto sul modo in cui l’intelligenza computazionale viene applicata al processo decisionale e alla risoluzione dei problemi nelle organizzazioni. 
IJCIO è un mezzo interdisciplinare per il dialogo tra accademici, professionisti e studenti e i suoi redattori appartengono a una variegata gamma di settori dell’intelligenza computazionale.

International Journal of Game Theory
L’International Journal of Game Theory è dedicato alla teoria dei giochi e alle sue applicazioni. Pubblica ricerche originali che apportano contributi di rilievo da un punto di vista metodologico, concettuale o matematico. Possono essere presi in considerazione anche articoli di approfondimento se particolarmente utili per il campo.

International Journal of Human Resource Management
The International Journal of Human Resource Management is the forum for HRM scholars and professionals world-wide.
Concerned with the expanding role of strategic human resource management in a fast-changing global environment, the Journal focuses on future trends in HRM, drawing on empirical research in the areas of strategic management, international business, organisational, personnel management and industrial relations.

International Journal Of Organisational Behaviour (eJournal)
Electronic journal which publishes articles in fields of interest to people who research, teach and apply organisational behaviour

International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior
This timely new journal fills a gap in the literature by integrating the work of both international and domestic researchers and practitioners in organization theory and behavior—offering original basic and applied articles, symposia, conference reports, review articles, short papers, book reviews, and letters to the editor. The only publication in print that incorporates the latest developments from the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors of the field! Furnishing a unique forum unavailable in other journals, the International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior covers group theory and behavior organization behavior work motivation individual decision making organization development performance review and measurement and much more!

International Journal of Research in Marketing
The purpose of the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) is to provide a high-quality medium, through which both developments in marketing theory and thought and results of empirical research can be communicated to those active in marketing research as well as those wishing to be informed about progress in the field. IJRM aims to contribute to the body of knowledge about research in marketing by performing an integrative function, publishing theoretical and empirical articles from all countries and with different disciplinary approaches. IJRM covers the entire area of marketing: profit as well as non-profit marketing, consumer behaviour, product decisions, pricing marketing communication, marketing channels, strategic marketing planning, industrial marketing, international marketing etc. Methodological subject areas to be covered are, for example, the philosophical basis of marketing theory and research, the confrontation of different research traditions, and theoretical reflections on the nature, scope, and boundaries of marketing. Special attention will be paid to topics such as comparative marketing, cross-cultural aspects of marketing, the relationship between government and marketing, and marketing and society.

International Journal of Training and Development
The International Journal of Training and Development is an international forum for the reporting of high-quality research, analysis and debate for the benefit of the academic and corporate communities, as well as those engaged in public policy formulation and implementation.
Multidisciplinary, international and comparative, the journal publishes research which ranges from the theoretical, conceptual and methodological to more policy-oriented types of work.

International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
This is the thirteenth in a series of annual volumes which provide authoritative reviews in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The chapters are written by established experts and the topics are carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in the research literature and in current practice. Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of a chosen topic, and is supported by a valuable bibliography. Topics for future volumes in the series will be selected for their importance and relevance at that time, so that the series will be the main authoritative and current guide to important areas and developments in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, for professional psychologists, managers and scholars.

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
The Journal of Behavioral Decision Making is a multidisciplinary journal with a broad base of content and style. It publishes original empirical reports, critical review papers, theoretical analyses and methodological contributions. The Journal also features book, software and decision aiding technique reviews, abstracts of important articles published elsewhere and teaching suggestions.
The objective of the Journal is to present and stimulate behavioral research on decision making and to provide a forum for the evaluation of complementary, contrasting and conflicting perspectives. These perspectives include psychology, management science, sociology, political science and economics. Studies of behavioral decision making in naturalistic and applied settings are encouraged.
Articles on specialist topics aim for wider readability by including fully referenced introductions on the background to a particular study and, where possible, discuss the broader implications of the work.
The Journal especially welcomes manuscripts that deal with issues that have cross-disciplinary impact. Such manuscripts will be considered for publication together with a selection of commentaries from members of the editorial board.
Reviews are “collaborationist” in the sense that reviewers are asked to do more than point out flaws and will suggest design improvements, new ideas, relevant references and follow-up studies. Reviewers are offered the opportunity to publish commentaries alongside the article.

Journal of Business & Psychology
Journal of Business and Psychology publishes empirical research, case studies, and literature reviews dealing with psychological concepts and services implemented in business settings. Written by psychologists, behavioral scientists, and organizational specialists employed in business, industry, and academia, articles deal with all aspects of psychology that apply to the business sector. Subjects include personnel selection and training; organizational assessment and development; risk management and loss control; marketing and consumer behavior research.

Journal of Career Development
Journal of Career Development provides the professional, the public, and policymakers with the latest in career development theory, research, and practice, while focusing on the impact of theory and research on practice. Among the topics covered are career education, adult career development, career development of special needs populations, and career and leisure. The journal provides up-to-date coverage of contemporary issues and identifies trends impacting the future of the world.

Journal of Consumer Psychology
This journal is devoted to advancing consumer psychology as a dynamic discipline by disseminating knowledge generated and contributed by scholars from a variety of backgrounds, substantive fields, and methodological orientations. It publishes papers providing theoretical analyses, critical reviews, original empirical reports, as well as methodological contributions that shape thought and practice in the discipline of consumer psychology. Topics covered include: the role of advertising, the development and change of consumer attitudes; judgment, choice and decision processes; direct brand experience; post-purchase evaluations; social cognition research; consumer socialization; motivational processes; salespersons’ influences; and behavioral decision research.

Journal of Consumer Research
Founded in 1974, the Journal of Consumer Research publishes scholarly research that describes and explains consumer behavior. Empirical, theoretical, and methodological articles spanning fields such as psychology, marketing, sociology, economics, and anthropology are featured in this interdisciplinary quarterly. The primary thrust of JCR is academic, rather than managerial, with topics ranging from micro-level processes (e.g., brand choice) to more macro-level issues (e.g., the development of materialistic values).

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization is devoted to theoretical and empirical research concerning economic decision, organization and behavior and to economic change in all its aspects. Its specific purposes are to foster an improved understanding of how human cognitive, computational and informational characteristics influence the working of economic organizations and market economies and how an economy’s structural features lead to various types of micro and macro behavior, to changing patterns of development and to institutional evolution. Research with these purposes that explore the interrelations of economics with other disciplines such as biology, psychology, law, anthropology, sociology and mathematics is particularly welcome. The journal is eclectic as to research method; systematic observation and careful description, simulation modeling and mathematical analysis are all within its purview. Empirical work, including controlled laboratory experimentation, that probes close to the core of the issues in theoretical dispute is encouraged.

Journal of Economic Psychology
The Journal aims to present research that will improve understanding of behavioral, especially socio-psychological, aspects of economic phenomena and processes. The Journal seeks to be a channel for the increased interest in using behavioral science methods for the study of economic behavior, and so to contribute to better solutions of societal problems, by stimulating new approaches and new theorizing about economic affairs. Economic psychology as a discipline studies the psychological mechanisms that underlie consumption and other economic behavior. It deals with preferences, choices, decisions, and factors influencing these, as well as the consequences of decisions and choices with respect to the satisfaction of needs. This includes the impact of external economic phenomena upon human behavior and well-being. Studies in economic psychology may relate to different levels of aggregation, from the household and the individual consumer to the macro level of whole nations. Economic behavior in connection with inflation, unemployment, taxation, economic development, as well as consumer information and economic behavior in the market place are thus the major fields of interest.
The Journal of Economic Psychology contains: (a) reports of empirical research on economic behavior; (b) assessments of the state of the art in various subfields of economic psychology; (c) articles providing a theoretical perspective or a frame of reference for the study of economic behavior; (d) articles explaining the implications of theoretical developments for practical applications; (e) book reviews; (f) announcements of meetings, conferences and seminars.
Special issues of the Journal may be devoted to themes of particular interest. The Journal will encourage exchange of information between researchers and practitioners by being a forum for discussion and debate of issues in both theoretical and applied research.
The journal is published under the auspices of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology https://www.ex.ac.uk/IAREP/

Journal of Employment Counseling
The Journal of Employment Counseling publishes articles illuminating theory or practice in employment counseling, reporting professional experimentation or research, or exploring current client vocational problems or the professional concerns of counselors.
The Journal of Employment Counseling is published quarterly, in March, June, September, and December, by the National Employment Counseling Association (NECA), a member association of the American Counseling Association.

Journal of Managerial Psychology
Understanding individuals and groups is seen more than ever before as vital to understanding work behaviour. This perception is accompanied by a growing demand among managers and management thinkers for the insights offered by psychology. Although managers often receive extensive training in technical areas of their work, dealing with people is assumed to be a natural gift. The Journal of Managerial Psychology deals with the human resource aspects of managing and providing an understanding of psychology to equip managers to better deal with personnel issues. This journal draws on the latest theories, research findings, case studies and proven practice to throw new light on the behaviour of individuals and groups within the work environment as well as wider organizational ramifications.

Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
The Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of all aspects of research, application and evaluation of multi-criteria decision analysis. The Journal publishes material from a variety of disciplines and all schools of thought. Papers addressing mathematical, theoretical, and behavioural aspects are welcome, as are case studies, applications and evaluation of techniques and methodologies. In addition to full-length papers, the Journal offers fast publication for short letters raising points for discussion. It also publishes book and software reviews.

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Publishes empirical and conceptual papers which aim to increase understanding of people and organizations at work. Papers include: industrial, organizational, engineering, vocational and personnel psychology, as well as behavioural aspects of industrial relations, ergonomics, human factors and industrial sociology.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology publishes research, theory, and public policy articles in occupational health psychology, an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations. Occupational health psychology concerns the application of psychology to improving the quality of worklife and to protecting and promoting the safety, health, and well-being of workers. The Journal has a threefold focus on the work environment, the individual and the work family interface. The Journal seeks scholarly articles, from both researchers and practitioners, concerning psychological factors in relationship to all aspects of occupational health and safety. Included in this broad domain of interest are articles in which work-related psychological factors play a role in the etiology of health problems, articles examining the psychological and associated health consequences of work, and articles concerned with the use of psychological approaches to prevent or mitigate occupational health problems. Special attention is given to articles with a prevention emphasis. Manuscripts dealing with issues of contemporary relevance to the workplace, especially with regard to minority, cultural, or occupationally underrepresented groups, or topics at the interface of the family and the workplace are encouraged. Each article should represent an addition to knowledge and understanding of occupational health psychology.

Journal of Organizational Behavior
The Journal of Organizational Behavior aims to report and review the growing research in the industrial/organizational psychology and organizational behavior fields throughout the world. The journal will focus on research and theory in all the topics associated with occupational/organizational behavior including motivation, work performance, equal opportunities at work, job design, career processes, occupational stress, quality of work life, job satisfaction, personnel selection, training, organizational change, research methodology in occupational/organizational behavior, employment, job analysis, behavioral aspects of industrial relations, managerial behavior, organizational structure and climate, leadership and power.

Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Here is the only professional journal devoted to behavior management in organizations, serving as a tool for improving productivity and the quality of working life. Top researchers provide proven methods–backed by facts, not opinions–to show you the best practical ways to apply behavior management in the workplace. The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management–the official journal of the OBM Network–belongs on the desk of every personnel, industrial, or managerial professional who truly believes that there are scientific principles to improve employee performance and wants to bring these principles out of the lab and into the workplace! 
The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management publishes research and review articles, case studies, discussions, and book reviews on the topics that are critical to today’s organization development practitioners and human resource managers. Beyond the general principles of organizational systems and structure, JOBM focuses on specific concerns such as:
* employee safety
* employee training
* stress, health, and employee productivity
* evaluation of employee satisfaction and feedback systems
* managing absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover
* use of monetary and nonmonetary incentives
* self-management procedures
* programmed instruction, behavioral modeling, and computer-aided instruction
* positive and negative side effects of OBM interventions
The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management occasionally produces thematic issues that concentrate on a single, highly relevant topic. Past thematic issues have focused on organizational culture and rule-governed behavior; pay for performance; OBM and statistical process control; computers, people, and productivity; and improving staff effectiveness. Use this valuable resource to improve the productivity, safety, and profitability of your organization.

Journal of Organizational Change Management
The world today is changing faster than ever before. Technological developments, financial constraints, expanding markets, restructuring and mergers, new philosophies and government legislation are all putting pressure on organizations to change and stay dynamic. Yet the process of change is far from easy, and implementing it successfully makes considerable demands on the managers involved. This journal is unique in its ability to set the management and organizational change and development agenda, by analysing new approaches and research theories.

Journal of Behavioral Finance (formerly Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets)
In The Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets, leaders in many fields will be brought together to address the implications of current work on individual and group emotion, cognition, and action for the behavior of markets. They include specialists in personality, social, and clinical psychology; psychiatry; organizational behavior; accounting; marketing; sociology; anthropology; behavioral economics; finance; and the multidisciplinary study of judgment and decision making. The journal will foster debate among groups who have keen insights into the behavioral patterns of markets but have not historically published in the more traditional financial and economic journals. Further, it will stimulate new interdisciplinary research and theory that will build a body of knowledge about the psychological influences on market fluctuations. The most obvious benefit will be a new understanding of markets that can greatly improve investment decision making. Another benefit will be the opportunity for behavioral scientists to expand the scope of their studies via the use of the enormous databases that document behavior in markets.

Journal of Vocational Behavior
The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes empirical and theoretical articles that expand knowledge of vocational behavior and career development across the life span. Research presented in the journal encompasses the general categories of career choice, implementation, and vocational adjustment and adaptation. The articles contribute to a theoretical understanding of career choice and vocational adjustment and are also valuable for applications in counseling and career development programs in colleges and universities, business and industry, government, and the military.

Journal of Workplace Learning
The Journal of Workplace Learning has built a loyal following among notable academics within the field.It focuses on the growth of the individual within the enterprise and the interventions which can assist in the process. Analysis of the key issues in this area are set in the context of assisting the individual to maximise opportunities and performance within the working environment. Insights into workplace learning and development on an individual level are provided, as well as knowledge of how to find out how both employees and organizations can benefit from a considered approach to learning and individual development.

Leader to Leader
Leader to Leader is an award-winning quarterly report on management, leadership, and strategy written by today’s top leaders themselves. In each issue, the Drucker Foundation brings together a peerless selection of world-class executives, best-selling management authors, top consultants, and respected social thinkers.
Leader to Leader gives you unique insight into what other top executives and thought leaders are planning for, what they see as the major challenges ahead, and how they are dealing with change.

Leadership & Organization Development Journal
Today’s aggressive climate makes extra demands on business leaders as they fight to compete on price, quality and standards of service with international competitors. The journal fully recognises that, in the twenty-first century, where change will be the only constant, reactive managers will be of little use. Proactive leaders will be the ones to drive organzational change and development. The Leadership & Organization Development Journal aims to provide penetrating insights into the expected qualities of leaders in the current climate. It presents research and views on making and developing dynamic leaders, how organizations can and will change and how leaders can effect this.

Leadership in Action
Aims to help practicing leaders and those who train and develop practicing leaders by providing them with insights gained in the course of CCL’s [Center for Creative Leadership] educational and research activities.

Learning and Individual Differences
Learning and Individual Differences is a research journal devoted to publishing articles that make a substantial contribution to an understanding of individual differences within an educational context.

M@na@gement (eJournal)

M@n@gement is a double-blind reviewed journal where articles are published in their original language as soon as they have been accepted.

A free subscription is available via EMail, which keeps you informed when a new issue is on line. There are currently more than 2,700 subscribers.

Organization Studies
Organization Studies is a scholarly journal which addresses issues of Organization Theories and Practice. It is a top-rated international journal. It was founded in 1980 and the first Editor-in-Chief was Professor David J. Hickson. Since then, there have been a number of editors (Stewart Clegg, Australia; John Child, UK; Arndt Sorge, the Netherlands). The current Editor-in-Chief is Professor David Wilson of the University of Warwick Business School, UK. He is accompanied by an extended and dedicated editorial board of scholars, who conduct research in all parts of the world.

The journal publishes papers which explore new theories, methods and contexts which can help extend our knowledge of Organization Theory. Organization Studies is concerned with organization, but at the widest level of that term. It is not restricted to the management of business organizations. Instead, the journal covers a broad spectrum across the Social Sciences and seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary exchange. It presents interesting ideas, fascinating data and fresh insights into theory. It is a leading journal, essential for anyone interested in the wider aspects of organizations and their role in societies.

Organization Studies deals with a wide range of issues. A glance at any back number will reveal that the journal is not restricted to particular topics or disciplines. It publishes qualitative and quantitatively based papers. Organization Studies welcomes research which is from ‘unusual’ sources, such as from countries where organizational research is rare (e.g. less Western or less developed nations) or which adopts an unusual theoretical and/or empirical perspective to the research problem.

Organization Studies is linked but not restricted to the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). It appears in six issues per year comprising a total of approximately 1.100 pages. The papers and notes published in Organization Studies contain unique studies which are essential up-to-date reference material for researchers, doctoral students and established scholars in Business Studies and the Social Sciences more generally.

Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes publishes fundamental research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and human cognition, judgment, and decision-making. The journal features articles that present original empirical research, theory development, literature reviews, and methodological advancements relevant to the substantive domains served by the journal. Topics covered by the journal include perception, cognition, judgment, attitudes, emotion, well-being, motivation, choice, and performance. We are interested in articles that investigate these topics as they pertain to individuals, dyads, groups, and other social collectives. For each topic, we place a premium on articles that make fundamental and substantial contributions to understanding psychological processes relevant to human attitudes, cognitions, and behavior in organizations.

Organizational Research Methods
A peer-reviewed journal that brings relevant methodological developments to a wide range of researchers in organizational and management studies.”

Personnel Psychology
Personnel Psychology is a quarterly scientific journal of applied research serving the Industrial-Organizational field. Since 1948, the journal has published research on personnel problems facing public and private sector organizations. Articles deal with all aspects of human resources problems such as selection and recruiting, training and development, job analysis, performance appraisal and feedback, compensation and rewards, legal issues, labor relations, work attitudes, motivation, and leadership.

Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations
Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, revue internationale de langue française, publie des articles scientifiques en langue française et participe au développement scientifique international de la psychologie du travail et des organisations.
Elle s’adresse à toutes les personnes travaillant dans ce domaine d’activité : psychologues, responsables et ingénieurs des ressources humaines, gestionnaires, médecins du travail, enseignants, chercheurs, étudiants, etc.
La revue publie des articles originaux, des revues de questions, des compte rendus de recherches, y compris celles réalisées sur le terrain ou dans une perspective d’application. Les travaux doivent satisfaire aux critères de vérification scientifique et être présentés dans un langage clair.

Psychology & Marketing
Psychology & Marketing publishes original research and review articles dealing with the application of psychological theories and techniques to marketing. As an interdisciplinary journal, it serves practitioners and academicians in the fields of psychology and marketing and is an appropriate outlet for articles designed to be of interest, concern and applied value to its audience of professionals and scholars. Specifically, some of the types of articles published in this journal are as follows: (1) descriptions of the development, validity, and/or use of psychological knowledge or techniques that can be brought to bear on marketing problems; (2) descriptions of the development, validity, and/or use of marketing knowledge or techniques derived from the psychological literature; (3) psychological studies or profiles of individuals or groups who might potentially benefit from the marketing of a particular product or service; (4) studies of personality and behavior change where these studies have a direct bearing on questions concerning consumer behavior and marketing strategies; (5) exploration of issues of law, ethics, and values in psychology and marketing; (6) psychological investigation of interpersonal and interagency (e.g., research supplier—client) relationships in marketing; and (7) case studies and cross-cultural reports pertinent to all of the preceding topics. This journal is designed to provide a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of innovative perspectives on marketing and psychology.

Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
La RPTO es la más antigua de las cinco revistas de tipo profesional que el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid edita en este momento. Fue fundada en 1985
Es la única Revista especifica de carácter profesional dedicada a la Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones existente en España, y por tanto constituye no sólo la mejor, sino también la única manera de acercarse a la realidad de nuestra profesión en este ámbito de la intervención. Como se ha señalado es una revista científico profesión.
Como se ha señalado, es una revista científico profesional : en la sección de “artículos” se recogen los trabajos más académicos, mientras que en la de “experiencias” aparecen aquello otros de carácter mas aplicado. Una muestra de los artículos y experiencias publicados ya se listan en esta mima página : se puede observar que están los temas más relevantes de la Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones.
El COP siempre ha defendido el carácter aplicado que debe poseer la formación universitaria de segundo ciclo y creemos que la lectura de revistas especializadas y en particular ésta que es la única que existe en España sobre la especialidad, es una manera de acercarse y conocer la realidad profesional.

Scandinavian Journal of Management
The Scandinavian Journal of Management is an international journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of management in private and public organizations through empirical investigation and theoretical analysis.
Scandinavian Journal of Management is an exciting and lively journal which reflects the fact that Scandinavian researchers in the fields of management and organizational studies have been a major source of intellectual innovation in recent years. Original, creative, usually subtle and with a profound understanding of organizational practice, Scandinavian research has been increasingly influential in both the rest of Europe and the USA. In addition, many Scandinavian companies have successfully developed strong global positions: among the best known are Volvo, Electrolux, Alfa Lavell, Ericcson, Nokia, Bang and Olufsen. Academics and practitioners will benefit from a closer look at Scandinavia which has been so demonstrably successful in its long term business strategies and management practices. The Scandinavian Journal of Management has a major role to play in bringing more of this work to the attention of a wider audience.

Herausgegeben von der Sektion ABO-Psychologie des BDP behandelt die Zeitschrift das gesamte Wirtschaftsgeschehen unter psychologischem Aspekt. Dabei verknüpft sie wissenschaftlich fundierte und aktuelle Fachinformation und strikte Praxisorientierung.

. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation will publish high quality peer-reviewed manuscripts covering the entire scope of interdisciplinary and international work practice. The journal’s subtitle has been deliberately laid out: Our first goal is injury or disability prevention. When this goal is not reachable and the client sustains a disability, we focus our attention on assessing individual needs and follow that with rehabilitation or any other form of intervention deemed necessary.
Work occasionally published thematic issues, but in general , issues cover a wide range of topics from school-aged children to older workers.
The Editor and her Editorial Board will especially encourage the publication of both research studies and clinical practice, as well as case study reports. With an internationally renowned Editorial Board, Work will maintain high standards in the evaluation and publication of manuscripts. All manuscripts will be reviewed expeditiously and published in a timely manner.

Work and Stress
Work & Stress is an international, multidisciplinary quarterly, presenting refereed academic papers relating to stress, health and safety, and performance (empirical reports, reviews, case studies and theoretical papers), as well as articles of concern to the policymakers, managers and trades unionists who have to deal with such issues. It presents individual, social, organizational and societal issues in relation to the nature of stress and its management, defined in the broadest sense.

Work Study
Work Study aims to provide new developments in work study techniques and practice designed to improve individual and organizational performance. Self-improvement, at individual, team and organizational level, is an important way of maintaining competitiveness and raising performance standards and efficiency. This is particularly important in the current commercial climate, where working practices can have powerful effects on performance, efficiency, productivity and profitability.

PsyJob.it - Psicologia del lavoro online

Forniamo strumenti e metodologie per l’assessment psicometrico con test di personalità, di orientamento, di ragionamento e per la misura del benessere aziendale e del clima organizzativo.